NZ Windows Phone Developer MVP named Software Developer of the Year in ITEX Computerworld Awards 2012

Congratulations to Keith Patton for taking out this award! You can read the full story here.

As quoted from the article…

“The final award for Software Developer of the Year was won by Keith Patton.
Keith is CEO and lead developer for Marker Metro, the first 100 percent Windows
Apps agency. “Keith’s combination of skills is rare: an aptitude for problem
solving and technical ability combined with front-end interface skills and an
eye for detail and quality,” said the judges.

Marker Metro’s Windows Phone game, AlphaJax, was
the first New Zealand app to make it through the very stringent Xbox LIVE
process and the company is also a core contributor to the open source software
framework, Caliburn Micro.

“What really set Keith apart was his absolute
passion for software development aligned with capability and very strong ethical
values,” the judges said.”

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